Most small law firms pay insufficient attention to backing up their critical data. Those that have backup systems often rely on mechanical tape backup systems that require far too much user invention and are inherently unreliable. The better solution is a fully-automated on-line backup.
Want to be wealthy?
children are a lousy investment
A few swipes with a cotton swab
warnings against using home paternity tests without much thought
The storyteller
Whether by six months or 20 years, your reputation will precede you.
Answers to mediation questions
a website for getting answers to your mediation questions
Keeping your marriage strong
tips to keep your marriage strong
Law Office Computer Problems? Dont Upgrade, Replace!
If your computer is more than 2 years old, it probably does not make sense to upgrade it. You would do better to replace it and (after cleaning off all firm and client related data) take it home, send it home with an employee, or donate it. The price of a new computer with a fast processor, a large hard drive, plenty of memory (RAM), and the Windows XP operating system is not much more that the cost of most upgrades.
Randy Flood, M.A.,L.L.P.
Randy Flood, M.A.,L.L.P., DD Contributor
Will a baby ruin your life?
I am not afraid of a baby ruining my marriage. I am not afraid of a baby. Of course part of the reason I am not that afraid is because I have no idea what having a child entails. “Out of Step and Having a Baby”
Neil Colman
Neil Colman – Domestic Diversions contributor
Welcome to Domestic Diversions
“For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.” [Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet]
Welcome to Domestic Diversions, a collaborative weblog
Julie Haveman
Julie Haveman – Domestic Diversions Contributor
Joseph W. Cunningham
Joseph W. Cunningham – contributor to Domestic Diversions
Meri Anne Stowe
Meri Anne Stowe – Contributor to Domestic Diversions
David C. Sarnacki
David C. Sarnacki – Host of Domestic Diversions
Blaine B. Johnson Jr.
Blaine B. Johnson Jr. – contributor to Domestic Diversions
Scott Bassett
Scott Bassett – contributor to Domestic Diversions