The ABA Journal’s McElhaney on Litigation features the topic of persuasive cross-examination and the difference between being firm and a jerk. Jim McElhaney writes (excerpt): “You can be firm. You can be insistent. You can be tough when it’s called…
The art of persuasion: negotiating with patience and endurance
The Twin City’s Star Tribune shows different ways of persuading people, including 5 negotiation ideas from Benjamin Franklin. Harvey Mackay writes (excerpt): •Be clear, in your own mind, exactly what you are seeking. •Do your homework, so that you’re fully…
Why am I so irritated?: Petty problems sabotage love
Psychology Today Magazine speaks for all lovers when it says, “You’re Driving Me Crazy!” This relationship advice helps us to not sweat the small stuff, but to actually change the way we think about it. Jay Dixit writes (excerpt): 1:…
Dear Abby’s 15 ways to spot an abuser
Dear Abby’s Abigail van Buren lists 15 warning signs of an abuser (excerpt): 1. Pushes for quick involvement: Comes on strong, claiming, “I’ve never felt loved like this by anyone.” An abuser pressures the new partner for an exclusive commitment…
Parenting your partner: If it works on your toddler, why not your husband or wife?
CNN and Parenting shows what happened when one mother applied parenting skills to her husband. By Fernanda Moore writes (excerpt): Strategy No. 1: Reward good behavior . . . . Good behavior rewarded leads to more good behavior. . .…
That man is an abuser: early warning signs for domestic violence
The Frisky at CNN shares her story of domestic violence and some tips on how to recognize and avoid domestic abuse. Judy McGuire writes (excerpt): Here are some behaviors to watch out for: Too close, too fast [coming on too…
Influence over decisions: how to use the principles of persuasion
The Observer pays attention to psychologists like Robert Cialdini [Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion] and Robert Levine [The Powers of Persuasion] studying persuasion skills. Sarah Wilson writes (excerpt): • Reciprocity is one of the most powerful tools of persuasion [give…
And of course the cup is empty: When ordering, ask for the engagement ring “on the side”
NBC and WCBD–Charleston, SC shakes us up with the story of Reed Harris and Kaitlin Whipple. Reed tried to make a memory and he succeeded (excerpt): Everyone except the bride-to-be was in on the plan to stash the ring in…
The Bachelor in tatters? Love and hope and sex and dreams Are still surviving on the street
A Pine Rest Family Institute email references the image of marriage and “The Bachelor,” with reality TV’s Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney of Grand Rapids. The Institute notes that some marriage counselors criticize such shows as exploiting the collective hope…
Creating goodwill in marriage: making sense of dollars and cents
CNN and make cents–rather, sense–of fighting over money and how couples can improve their marriage by resolving money issues. Michele Bender writes (excerpt): 1. Remember that your relationship is about more than the bottom line . . . .…
What happens when a former spouse never changes his beneficiary designation
The United States Supreme Court’s decision in KENNEDY v. PLAN ADMINISTRATOR (January 26, 2009) confirms that ERISA plans must follow ERISA. In footnote 10, the Court revealed what would happen in Michigan: the Plan would pay the former spouse, and…
Kent County’s Parenting Pilot Program: “Expedited Process in the Resolution of the Low Conflict Docket of the Family Division”
Domestic Diversions previously announced our new parenting pilot project. Now, The Grand Rapids Press covered the new Kent County Parenting Plan, a pilot project approved by the Michigan Supreme Court. Theresa D. Mcclellan writes (excerpt): The hope is that by…
Say the right thing: 10 ways to defuse conflict and promote harmony
CNN and Real Simple starts us off with “10 things to say to keep the peace.” Laurie Puhn’s list includes (excerpt): 1. “Thank you for your opinion. I’ll think about it.” 2. “Is this a good time for you?” 3.…
Real ladies don’t trash talk: How to make your marriage great
The Washington Times advises wives to stop trash talking their husbands behind their backs, with suggestions from Michele Weiner-Davis. Julie Baumgardner writes (excerpt): If you have been talking badly about your husband, Mrs. Weiner-Davis would encourage you to do the…
New Rule 502: Inadvertent disclosure of attorney-client privilege and work product materials
The Federal Rules of Evidence will see a new rule addressing the disclosure of attorney-client and work-product information. New Rule 502 helps in those case where there are tremendous efforts to review voluminous documents and where inadvertent disclosure often occur.…
The 10% solution: Forever young and in love
CNN reveals the science of love: that couples can feel young love for years and years. CNN reports (excerpt): Using brain scans, researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered a small number of couples respond with as…
Find a penny, pick it up, all marriage long you’ll have good luck
SFGate’s Amy Graff provides relationship advice from Elizabeth Dixon from the Kaiser Permanente Employee Assistance Program (excerpt): Dixon says the key is to think of marriage as a bank account. You’re constantly writing checks and making withdrawals . . .…
The kids are alright: But marriage gets better when they’re gone!
The San Francisco Chronicle peaks into our futures: marriage gets better after the kids are out, so says a UC-Berkeley study. Leslie Fulbright writes (excerpt): “We found that marital satisfaction increased as the women transitioned to an empty nest,” said…
How to help kids cope with divorce
Love and Logic’s Dr. Charles Fay offers tips for helping kids cope with divorce (excerpt): Remember that they need to feel free to love both of you. [Dont’ talk negatively about the other parent and watch your nonverbal messages.] Understand…
Getting through and to the same place: Collaborative process lessens stress of divorce
Dallas-Fort Worth’s CBS 11 News investigated how Collaborative Divorce helps lower the stress on divorcing couples. Tracy Kornet reported (excerpt): During this process, the husband, wife and their attorneys work together — in private — to find a way to…