Domestic Diversions


The New York Times explains how a lady lunches, with child.

Michelle Green writes (excerpt):
Though we pick different destinations each time (more about that later), Katherine and I tend to follow the ladies’ lunch script when we dine–using respectable manners, sharing bites and evaluating every outfit in the room. Early on, I had to take her on walks between courses and seldom had time to finish an entree. Now, though, we get through the intervals with word games–and with lengthy discussions about dessert. (When? How many? And does it come with sprinkles?)

If all this makes us sound like Miss Priss and her eminently civilized mother, please note that I’ve been frequently kicked under the table–and returned the kicks, at times.

But I’ve also discovered some survival techniques: Look pleasant, even when you’re whispering threats to someone who’s fallen backward in her chair. Develop tunnel vision, as you would if you’d worn running clothes to a black-tie ball; it will help you ignore the glares from grownups who expect you to make (another) scene. Leave extravagant tips. And–this is important–never, ever go to the same restaurant twice. If you must, wait at least five years so your child won’t be recognized.

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