Domestic Diversions

Sex, lies and court files

USAToday illustrates why the ways in which you live your life and handle your divorce matter. The story involves Senate candidate Jack Ryan, actress Jeri Lynn Ryan (Boston Public and Star Trek: Voyager), and sex clubs in New York, Paris and New Orleans.

Debbie Howlett writes (excerpt):
Both Ryans tried to prevent the divorce records from being unsealed, and Jeri Ryan said Monday that she considered him a good man and a loving father. Jack Ryan said he wanted to keep the divorce records private not to shield himself but to protect his 9-year-old son. ”Any parent can understand,” he said.
Fitzgerald cautioned that allegations made in the breakup of a marriage should be weighed carefully. ”Divorce cases and child custody cases are by nature acrimonious, and allegations on all sides are often unreliable or sensationalized,” he said. . . .

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