Domestic Diversions

Perhaps Britney prefers Morrocan soldiers

Compare the two love stories reported this week.

Everyone knows that Britney Spears married Jason Allan Alexander on a Saturday, then had the marriage annulled on a Monday.
CNN included quotes like:
“And we were just looking at each other and said, ‘Let’s do something wild, crazy. Let’s go get married, just for the hell of it.’ ”
They “did not know each other’s likes and dislikes.”
“Upon learning of each other’s desires, they are so incompatible that there was a want of understanding of each other’s actions in entering into this marriage.”
Britney “lacked understanding of her actions.”
They “took a joke too far.”

Also this week,
CNN explained how a Morrocan soldier, Abderrahim, had been captured by separatist guerrillas in 1979 during a war for control of the Western Sahara territory. They freed him along with other prisoners in November.

What was Abderrahim thinking? “I was convinced she’d wait for me, I had blind confidence in her since the first day we met.”

What was his fiancee thinking? Bahia knew he had been captured. She had periodic news of him, but had heard nothing for six years. Still, “I never thought I had lost my husband. I knew he’d come back one day. I never showed pain but hid it deep in my heart.”

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