It’s not what you don’t know that hurts you; it’s what you know that is just not so
Fathers, the FIA and fines
Michigan’s push to verify paternity
Paychecks, parenting, pots & pans
superdads who bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan
The FOC’s self-help site
a website devoted to parenting time
Hate doesn’t help
troubled and saddened by the tone and rhetoric of the debate regarding which families are permitted to make commitments to each other
Exercising legal control
Since the California paternity court had not awarded him decision-making responsibility, the father lacked the power to veto the decision of the mother, who was awarded “what we understand amounts to a tiebreaking vote.”
QDROs, taxes and the alternate payee
10% penalty on early distributions from qualified retirement plans
Not so obscene legal fees
how artist Jeff Koons racked up $4 million in his divorce from Italian porn star/politician Ilona Staller
No limit to court review of child custody
court to determine independently what custodial placement is in the best interests of the children
When it absolutely, positively has to be jurisdictional
certified mail does not include Federal Express
Preserving emotional intimacy
7 tips to preventing infidelity
Taxing late payments
remains deductible from the payer’s gross income and taxable to the recipient’s gross income in the year it is actually paid
Old law, new language, continuing violation
court upheld the felony nonsupport law against an ex post facto challenge
Fostering support, speeding returns home
New York’s family-to-family strategy that keeps the connection between birth parents and foster parents is becoming a model across 16 states
Hooking up with impaired relationships and STDs
teenage sexuality, hooking up strategies and euphemisms
Women have what it takes…
Women are living longer and enjoying more active senior years than ever before. However, just as this door to unprecedented liesure time is opening up, the traditional means of funding retirement – social security and pension plans – are becoming less able to meet retiree’s needs. Women still have what it takes to do what is necessary.
Divorce after 40
men were more likely to be caught off-guard
FTC inaction
FTC will not bring any enforcement actions or conduct any investigations against practicing lawyers
Women and Retirement – a tug-of-war?
If you’re a woman, chances are you face a tug-of-war of sorts when planning for retirement.
Military money
assisting members of the military with child support issues