2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Are you listening?
learning to listen
Health care and medical support
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Side effects may include . . .
divorce as a social side effect of gastric bypass surgery
Deduction for heath care insurance premiums
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004):
Gen-X parenting, Boomer parenting
the parenting of the slacker generation
Calculating child support before determining alimony
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Deviating from the child support formula
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Definition of child support
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Teenagers taking control
how teenagers manipulate their divorced parents
Power and control
books on domestic abuse
Thumps for change
Remarks of Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Maura D. Corrigan
Protected: Boys will be Boys? Part II
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Predatory coaches
the need for parents to know about personal protection orders as a means of protecting children
A father’s wishes
10 Fatherhood Lessons
Does a child with 2 houses have any home?
the equal custody debate involving 50-50 splits of parenting time with each child
Not my kid
stepfather did not qualify as a “custodian” under MCL 712A.18(2), so it required him to reimburse the County of Van Buren for the cost of the child’s care
Boys will be Boys? PartII
This is the second part of an article on how society raises boys and the attendant issues men face in their lives today. If we raise boys differently, might that help them as men with embracing their full humanity and intimacy in relationships?
Sex, lies and court files
why the ways in which you live your life and handle your divorce matter
Yours, mine and ours
lengths that divorcing New Yorkers will go to hang on to real estate