sending your child to college for the first time
Analyze this
why men don’t like group therapy
Time to be free to be you and me
letting kids be kids
She’s just a really, really sweet and good dog
divorce court battles over pets
Gatekeeping hearings
evidentiary hearing regarding the qualifications and theories propounded by one of the plaintiff’s expert witnesses
Daddy dearest
pursuit of a divorce from his father
parental alienation
Peer teaching
sex lessons at school
Presuming a 50-50 split of the kids
England’s rejection of equal parenting time rights
Is a picture still worth a thousand words?
counterfeit reality
Hanging out and hooking up
dangling themselves from meat hooks
R-rated camping?
Virginia law requiring that campers be supervised by a parent or grandparent
trends in spamming and hacking
Banking on a divorce
credit advice for spouses aniticipating divorce
Putting a value on marriage, divorce, love and sex
the findings of the happiness economists
Child care expenses
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Abatements and adjustments
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Extraordinary health care expenses
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)
Who’s zooming who
a woman’s constitutional right to complain about her ex-husband
Ordinary health care expenses
2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004)