Domestic Diversions


1. Keep it simple; limit the testimony to clearly significant, important facts and opinion.
2. Use simple, carefully chosen language and ask the witness to explain complicated concepts and technical words.
3. Focus the witness’ attention on the jury.
4. Organize logically.
5. Highlight significant aspects of the witness’ background and credentials.
6. Articulate the claims and evidence being addressed.
7. Direct the witness’ attention to specified portions of evidence referred to by an opponent.
8. Use hypothetical questions which include the particular evidence and claims that the witness will refute.
9. Elicit description, then action.
10. Elicit general and flowing descriptive narratives.
11. Use pace.
12. Use repetition to highlight important evidence.
13. Volunteer weaknesses.
14. Listen to the answers.

Name, address business or occupation
Relationship to case
Experience, education or training
Sources of knowledge, information and opinions
Facts: scene, description of scene, action, results

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