The New Tory Times challenges some of my assumptions about online dating in this article. Of course, it confirms others.
Pilot program
If we can improve and strengthen those relationships, the effects on the children will be positive
Committed to the idea
If you are skimming off the aspects of your inner life … and reserving them for your ‘friend,’ you are cheating your spouse of intimacy
A different kind of love
you find they have a different kind of love based on caring and support
Return of the honeymoon
If married couples can stay together for 35 years, they’re likely to find themselves as happy with each other as newlyweds
Who will divorce?
What brings stability to one marriage? What factors make another break up?
Being on the same Page
Principles of Spiritual Partnership
Renewing marriages
The variety in programming, destinations, and presenters is quite amazing.
English women
a gaggle of 8th graders. A field trip to Canada: bus, hotel, raging hormones, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera
Married to a cheerful depressive
I said from the start that I’d love him as long as he kept me laughing, and he never failed. Even his worries amused me
Keeping your marriage strong
tips to keep your marriage strong