men were more likely to be caught off-guard
See clearly now
how newlyweds may be more satisfied in their marriages when they see the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship clearly
Love at work
office romances at small businesses
six areas of relationships
Testosterone, neural circuits, and serotonin
when people are in love
Sex in the city
marriage with hooking up
Feeling blue?
Nobody had bothered to ask, might there be a downside
Believing the world could see
they lived and loved and raised a family and never married for 30 years
Wedding rules
the new rules for today’s weddings
Working things out
putting conflict behind you
Who you are and what you want
to socialize with groups of friends rather than spend time with one significant other
Against all odds
nobody was thrilled when we got married
When you need to forgive
advice for forgiving another person
What it means, at that age
the relationships of people living to 100 and beyond
Love light shine on me
scientifically, sex and romance are two different things
Reading someone’s mind
What do you really need and how do you best communicate it
Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst
5 tips on prenups
Marrying for money
you are your only source of security
Who gets what
the emotional side of dividing up the personal property in a divorce
I won’t
ministers refusing to marry prospective couples