Domestic Diversions

Big ideas for business development

Still confused about all the business development tips coming across your desk? Looking for a place to start or a way to redefine your focus? How about some Big Ideas for business development? Here’s a few to get you started. Perhaps they’ll even make your business development efforts efficient, effective and enjoyable.

Big Idea 1: DO SOMETHING. Invest your time and talent now, but adopt a long-term perspective for results. Develop relationships with potential clients and referral sources. Choose activities you care about. Develop goals and action plans. But don’t just stand there–get moving.

Big Idea 2: KEEP YOUR EXISTING CLIENTS HAPPY. Communicate clearly and regularly with them. Ask them how you are doing . . . then listen. Discover their needs and concerns. Respond promptly. Ask yourself, “What is one thing I can do today to improve the quality of service I provide to my clients?” Keep your promises and exceed any expectations you create.

Big Idea 3: CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR GETTING NEW CLIENTS. Treat everyone as a potential client or referral source. Let people know you are a lawyer and always carry a business card. Schedule regular contact with past, present and potential clients each month. Inform all your contacts that you make time available for referrals. The more opportunities you create, the more chances you’ll have at actually getting called for an appointment.

Big Idea 4: GO THE EXTRA STEP. Treat your professional and community activities as if they were client matters. Target your efforts and have a reason for investing your time and talents where you do. Get out in public. Meet the type of people you are seeking as clients, promote a political or social interest that you care about, or enhance the quality of life in your community. Write an article to demonstrate your expertise to the client-audience you want to reach. Participate in the bar and become known among local attorneys as one whose efforts enhance the legal profession as a whole. In everything you do, lead, follow or get out of the way.

Big Idea 5: SMILE. Life is short. Celebrate the moment, at least once in a while. In the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other — it doesn’t matter who it is–and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.” Then you’ll be refreshed enough to go back to Big Idea 1 and start all over again.

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