Domestic Diversions

Before the relocation: living together after filing for divorce

Dr. Deborah published tips for living together separately after the divorce; many suggestions would work well for that time period when a divorce is filed or imminent but neither spouse has relocated:
Be civil and respectful at all times.
Both parties and their children must be clear that the arrangement is temporary. There can be no mixed messages or false hopes for reconciliation. If that cannot be achieved, the arrangement may be inappropriate.
Discuss the time frame. Is there a specific date to move? If not, how will they know when it is time? What happens if one person wants to leave prior to the agreed time?
Set up arrangements for sharing household expenses. If there is no legal settlement, decide what money is shared and what is separate.
Be clear about how physical space will be used. If needed, make a schedule for exclusive use of certain rooms.
Agree on the way to describe the living arrangements to friends and family.
Create ground rules for bringing other people into the house.
If children are involved, identify the co-parenting arrangements.
Agree on dating and bringing new partners into the house.

One thought on “Before the relocation: living together after filing for divorce

  1. Pingback: Filing for divorce while living under the same roof.

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