Domestic Diversions


CNN/AP reports on survey results showing that children are getting one to two hours less sleep than recommended:
The survey found that infants, age 3 to 11 months, were getting about 12.7 hours of sleep daily, while experts suggest 14 to 15 hours.

For toddlers, age 12 to 35 months, the poll found that the average child slept 11.7 hours, while 12 to 14 hours is the recommended amount of daily sleep.

Daily sleep averaged about 10.4 hours for preschoolers and 6-year-olds in kindergarten, the survey found. Experts recommend 11 to 13 hours of sleep for this age group.

Children in the first through fifth grades average about 9.5 hours of sleep daily, the survey found. Experts say the appropriate amount of sleep for this group is 10 to 11 hours.

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