Domestic Diversions

8 tips: How to deal with and overcome anxiety and depression

NPR Morning Edition reports on the Northwestern University study in Health Psychology showing how we can learn to overcome anxiety and depression. Embracing 8 skills move us away from stress and toward a positive attitude.

Allison Aubrey’s summary of Judith Moskowitz’ eight techniques includes (excerpt):
1. Take a moment to identify one positive event each day.
2. Tell someone about the positive event . . . .
3. Start a daily gratitude journal. Aim to find little things . . . .
4. Identify a personal strength and reflect on how you’ve used this strength today or in recent weeks.
5. Set a daily goal and track your progress. . . .
6. Try to practice “positive reappraisal” [reframing a hassle of daily living into something more positive, such as an opportunity for “quiet time”]. . . .
7. Do something nice for someone else each day. . . .
8. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to the present moment [or] try a 10-minute breathing exercise that uses a focus on breathing to help calm the mind.

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