PAIRS addresses six areas of relationships (excerpt):
Confiding: As important to your relationships as water and sunshine to a garden. Learn to master the Daily Temperature Reading and you’ll discover a new dimension of life and love.
Talking: Effective communication, the accurate sharing of significant information about each other, is the cement that holds a relationship together.
Listening: Half of the dialogue process depends on how the “sender” gets in touch with and transmits all of the data that he has (perceptions, feelings, expectations, needs) that might be relevant to a given transaction with his partner.
Self-Esteem: Strengthening our self-esteem means examining our beliefs, the scripts our families and society may have handed us, or that we created for ourselves under their influence.
Caring Behaviors: Caring behaviors are the little things that make your friends and family feel better and cared about. They are not monumental things. In happy relationships there are lots of caring behaviors occurring on a steady basis
Complaining: The PAIRS Dialogue Guide is particularly useful in order to avoid misunderstandings, misperceptions and assumptions. It is a tool for complaining without blaming.