Technology has changed the way we practice law, but not necessarily the end product of our efforts. We still spend most of our time producing a paper product for consumption by our clients, the courts, and others. But how we…
Books on coping with divorce
Recently, the ABA Family Law listserve generated a discussion of divorce resources for clients, couples and families. The books referenced included: Divorce is Not the End of the World: Zoe’s and Evan’s Coping Guide for Kids, by Zoe and Evan…
Making a difference
The State Bar of Michigan presented major awards to Michigan family law lawyers at its 69th Annual Meeting. The SBM honored Richard Kupferschmidt, Richard S. Victor, and Joseph W. Cunningham at the Distinguished Service Awards Banquet: Richard Kupferschmidt, of Western…
Nothing but the truth
Lee Robinson gives us her poem “The Rules of Evidence.” Note that this is art, not advice for conducting a real trial. Or is it? Read the poem and you decide (excerpt): What you want to say most is inadmissible.…
“wondering if people are thinking of me”
The New York Times gives space to D. Nurkse and creative writing workshops for kids in custody. The article links to the poems of 6 teenage inmates at Rikers Island. D. Nurkse writes (excerpt): In 1998 I was hired to…
Pro Se Litigants Must Abide by the Rules Too
The court of appeals issued an unpublished opinion on September 23, 2004 entitled Carlson v Abbgy, Docket No. 252861. The decision affirmed the trial court, held in Kent County, the very county in which our Blog Originator, Dave Sarncki, practices.…
Election results
The Family Law Section, State Bar of Michigan, elected the following officers for 2004-2005: John F. Mills, Chair Judge Lisa M. Sullivan, Chair-elect David C. Sarnacki, Treasurer Carlo Martina, Corresponding Secretary Charlotte Allen, Recording Secretary
Beginning conversations
Marie Claire’s It’s Time to Talk campaign is striving to help the one in three women who will be abused during their lifetime. The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence and Domestic Violence Programs at Safe Horizon provides tips on…
Evasive action to avoid paying ex-wife
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued In re: Copper, 2004 Fed App. 0007P (6th Cir. 2004)(File Name: 04b0007p.06). Judge Aug writes (excerpt): Over the past nine years, the Debtor has taken evasive action to avoid paying his ex-wife, Athena…
Second time around
haiku and reflection
What a kid wants, what a kid needs
the father-daughter story of Karl Malone and Cheryl Ford
The first 10 minutes
the importance of first impressions
Skills and tips for families
programs for to benefit families
Full faith and credit in Michigan
validity in Michigan of same-sex marriages performed in other states
Letting go
weaning parents from their college-bound children
Managing your work
the praises of parents as employees
For the love of the game
how to coach your child
What’s crucial in a marriage
discounting the mantra about “fixing” your marriage
Who’s counting?
the Working Mom versus Nanny race for hours with a child
What you see is what you get?
the link between TV and teen sex