2004 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual (effective October 1, 2004):
3.07 (A) Health Care / Medical Support Obligations
(1) Support includes provision of health care coverage, and the payment of medical, dental, and other health care-related expenses for children eligible for support. MCL 552.602(ee). A health care support obligation defines who will provide insurance coverage and what coverage should be provided, as well as the division of premiums and ordinary and extraordinary costs between the parents.
(2) Health care includes treatments, services, equipment, medicines, preventative care, etc. associated with oral, visual, psychological, medical, and other related needs, provided or prescribed by health care professionals.
(3) Routine remedial care costs (e.g., first-aid supplies, cough syrup, vitamins, etc.) are included in the base support amounts calculated in Section 3.01 – 3.05 and, for the purposes of this section, should not be considered as ordinary or extraordinary health care expenses.
(4) As part of a total child support obligation, support orders must provide for health care coverage and payment of ordinary and extraordinary health care expenses.
(5) Health care obligations should be apportioned between parents based on each parent’s share of family income, provided that the proportion paid by either party shall not be less than 10.0% nor more than 90.0%. Proportions should be rounded to the nearest tenth percent. The Percentage of Income Schedule contains the noncustodial parent percentages for certain income levels. To calculate the other parent’s percentage, subtract the non-custodial parent’s percentage from 100%.
(6) Every support order should set the percentage of costs for which each parent is responsible according to the terms of Subsection 3.07(A)(5). The percentage continues until further order of the court.
Health care and medical support
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